Rental Property Photography
- Tenanted Properties > Extra attention to detail includes equal adjustment of blinds, hiding power cords and anything else that distracts from the picture.
- Vacant Properties > If photographing prior to cleaning & repairs we can remove carpet stains, wall marks, replace broken cupboards and more.
- Advanced retouching > including replacement of skies & grass, removal of graffiti & garbage bins, replace blown light globes and anything else requested.
Go to the next level with ‘Virtual Furniture’.
Starting with an empty room we can digitally insert virtual furniture which also includes the play of light, shadow and reflections making it look REAL!
Help illustrate the potential furniture layout to a difficult studio apartment or just sell a well balanced and functional space with clean and modern furniture to attract your desired tenant and help to justify your asking price.
See more examples on our product page here – Virtual Furniture
…and don’t forget to sell your location.
“Ask for our FREE rental brochure to include in your landlord information packs.”
Ph: 1300 560 130 or email