Thanks to the marketing expertise of your managing real estate agent you are now about to start advertising your property to find a tenant and it all starts with the photography. So here are the…

1. Professional photography is insurance.
It’s simple math blended with the age-old theory of “Do-it-right-the-first-time”.For the cost of perhaps just one days rent you can have a professional photographer create images just like those used for selling homes. Wait any longer and you could miss an entire first weeks rent from lack of initial interest. So, why gamble? Can you afford to miss a single week’s rent between tenants.
2. Get rental demand for your property.
The Australian property market is a fast paced one. The level of competition affects prices & availability. To rent your property quickly and avoid vacancy, you will need strong marketing to create higher interest and enquiries. More enquiries create higher demand. Higher demand creates higher rental yield. Simple!
3. Recyclable & tax deductible.
Not only are your professional photos considered a tax deduction but it’s something that keeps on giving; you can use them to market your property again and again and again. Year, after year, after year…
Floor plans – Lets not forget about this additional recyclable tool! How often would your floor plan change (If not at all)? It’s now common practice for a photographer to also provide the floor plan.
4. Get the better tenant.
Image is everything! Just like a job interview, you have to make a great first impression. A well-marketed property will attract the better tenant. In a crowded and competitive market place you have just seconds to get the attention of a potential tenant as they browse past your listed advertisement. Fail to present your property properly and you instantly lose your potential tenant at the point of browsing.
5. Your competition is using a photographer!
As a landlord, to get ahead of the pack in the real estate game you need to employ the best tools. Contracting a professional photographer brings additional marketing expertise and tools into the equation: Room modeling, wide-angle lenses and photo retouching techniques.

Test yourself right now:
Grab the best camera you have in your home or office and take a picture of the room you are in right now!
How did you go?
1. What colour is the carpet?
2. Can you see the view outside??
3. Does the room look sun filled???
Bookings for photos & Floor plans are available through your managing agent. For questions call ‘Crying Out Loud’ direct.